PHPmatsuri was greatest event for PHP developer.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010 11:10:28 PM
<!– more –>I went PHPmatsuri on last weekend. PHPmatsuri was great-full Hackathon style event about PHP in Japan. I had prepared about the event as staff.
In 10/2 morning(8:00 am), staffs meets up hall of the event(Harumi Grand Hotel). We were setting some desks, chairs, electronics line, audios and reception space.
I wait participants of the event at front of the hotel, and I showed them to the room. I could look for them easily, because any participants had iPhone and navigated by google-map.
At first, I started ice break for strained participants. And I introduce to them Mr. Hiro Yoshioka, then started first session. The session has be very important for Japanese developer. Should check his blog & slides.
The important thing is “English or die” for us.
Almost Japanese developer have satisfaction with only Japanese information.
Because some Japanese hacker translate English to Japanese with his effort.
But Yoshioka san says, “should dispatch some information with English to world-wide”.
I know it is very important.So, I wrote this post in English.
Some guys same thinks, time line on twitter about phpmatsuri filled with his impressive words.
注目すべきキーワードは“English or Die"でした。日本ではみんな日本語訳のドキュメントを作るのが好きで、著名なブロガーやハッカーがやってくれていますね。でもそうではなくて各自が英語を使って海外に発信していくのが重要だと。僕もそう思うし(だから英語で書いてみた)、よしおかさんの講演中のtwitter TLを見ればみんな共感していたのがわかります。
The second session was Practical PHP5.3 by Mr. Nate Abele.
He is developing lithium now. Before, he was CakePHP lead developer.
In 9/25, Mr. Rasmus Lerdorf talk about same keywords at PHP-conference.
Nate talked about some details more than Rasmus with using sample codes.For example PSR-0, closure…
Since afternoon, the room was separated to 2 space between conference and Hackathon. On the conference space, talked about CakePHP2.0 by Graham Weldon, Lithium by Nate Abele & Joel Perras and some sponsor’s session. On the Hackathon space, opened workshop about Symfony2, CakePHP and Lithium by the core developer. I presided on conference space, but had very interesting to Hackathos space.
After dinner, Mr. Kris Wallsmith talked about Symfony2 at confernce space.
Same time, Redbull’s girls came to Hackathon space.
In that time, I was not able to be heard while preparing next surprise present.
I was waiting for 3 cakes.
When Symfony2 session ended, the cakes carried into the room.
Everybody crowded around cakes and take many photos.
So, the nice idea(real cake) was started by Japanese CakePHP community on 2 years ago.
In this time, it added Lithium and symfony.
The cakes made by Paper Moon. I know the shop is very nice cafe. I recommend for you.
僕はちょうど次のサプライズに向けて準備中でSymfony2のセッションはほとんど聞けませんでした。それは日本のCakePHPイベントでは恒例のリアルケーキです。今回は僕が担当だったのと、とにかくLithiumの出来映えがどうなのか心配だったのです。Symfony2セッションが終わるころホテルの人にケーキが運び入れてもらいました。みんな群がって来て写真を取りまくっていました。ケーキは南麻布のPaper Moonさんにお願いしました。良い店なのでお勧めです。
And sounds of StarWars heard, JIREI master entered. He look like Jedi master!
JIREI means the use-case.
2 teams of CakePHP and symfony competed presentation to get a degree of JIREI master.
So, @HIROCAST won competition and became JIREI master. He talked about Agile development by symfony.
スターウォーズの曲と共にJIREI masterが入場。ここから事例紹介セッション「JIREI night」が始まります。CakePHPとsymfonyに別れ交互に事例発表を行い、勝ったのは@HIROCASTさんの「アジャイルな開発をチームでやってみた」(symfony)に決定しました。
Time is over 23:00. But everyone continue to develop about themself theme. I started myself theme too. I tried OpenpearPEG for develop parser of Cucumber feature.
About 2 hours later, I saw some problem. But file of feature don’t match PEG because it isn’t structured. I started giving it up. I was looking for difference theme. So, I got destiny project. It’s Behat. I had feeled very interesting about this project. I decided this to be my theme.
Time is over 5:00. My challenge finished. I go back to my room. What my room-mates was developing his theme in the room !
I got up 7:00 on 10/3. After breakfast, I wrote presentation for demonstration on event room. Everybody get up, but they were maybe very tired. Afternoon 10/3, demonstration about every theme started. The entries are 33. Each presentation is 4 minutes, and the style is Japanese LT having "Dora-Musume”. Whenever demonstration finished , the auditor posts the score from Google-Form.
My position is 8th in sector-1. But I started on 7th by few accidents. Since sector-2, I presided. All demonstration was finished 3 hour later. The talker and auditor was very tired. long long time LT had been first time for us.
And……. I won Hacker Prize. It means best performance into these demonstrations.
I got new iPod-touch of prize. I’m very happy !
そして運命の結果発表。僕はハッカー賞に選ばれました。これは最高得点の賞なんです。賞品は新しいiPod Touchです!
Long long time was spent, phpmatsuri finished. I think almost participants and staffs were satisfaction. And for Japanese PHP developer, it will become to trigger to publish some information positively. I think so.
At last, thanks for 2 days. @yando and staffs, everybody.